Games based on Voice Recognition

Hi, folks! Last Saturday I was very inspired by Alexa skills using server-side Swift talk organized by Wizeline Vietnam team.

Garbage Collection in Git

To understand git garbage collector, we need to understand how branches work.

Using different Git emails

Usually at work and at home we use different Git name/email pairs, or even per project.

Working with DB datetime/date columns in Go

This post shows how to work with DATETIME/DATE columns in DB and use Go standard time.

Multi-stage Dockerfile for Golang application

A common workaround for building Golang application in Docker is to have 2 Dockerfiles - one to perform a build and another to ship the results of the first build without tooling in the first image.

Useful Git global config and ignore rules

I am working with git every single day, from different machines and accounts.

Different ways to block Go runtime forever

The current design of Go’s runtime assumes that the programmer is responsible for detecting when to terminate a goroutine and when to terminate the program.

How to build Go plugin with data inside

Go 1.8 gives us a new tool for creating shared libraries, called plugins!

Pros and Cons: Golang in a Monorepo

Monorepo - is a monolithic code repository which can contain different services (or whatever you want to call them), CLI, libraries, etc.

How to use go-bindata with html/template

What is go-bindata and why do we need it? go-bindata converts any text or binary file into Go source code, which is useful for embedding data into Go programs.