Building Desktop App in Go using Wails
This post is a text version of packagemain #6: Building Desktop App in Go using Wails video.
As we all know, Go is mostly used to build APIs, web backends, CLI tools. But what’s interesting is that Go can be used in places we were not expecting to see it.
For example, we can build a Desktop App with Go and Vue.js using Wails framework.
This framework is new and still in beta, but I was surprised how easy it was to develop, build and package an app with it.
Wails provides the ability to wrap both Go code and a web frontend into a single binary. The Wails CLI makes this easy for you, by handling project creation, compilation, and bundling.
We will build a very simple app to display CPU Usage of my machine in real time. And if you have time and like Wails, you can come up with something more creative and complex.
Wails CLI can be installed with go get
. After installation, you should set it up using wails setup
Then let’s bootstrap our project with the name cpustats
Our project consists of Go backend and Vue.js frontend. main.go
will be our entrypoint, in which we can include any other dependencies, there is also go.mod
file to manage them. frontend
folder contains Vue.js components, webpack and CSS.
There are 2 main components to share data between Backend and Frontend: Binding and Events.
Binding is a single method that allows you to expose (bind) your Go code to the frontend.
Also, Wails provides a unified Events system similar to Javascript’s native events system. This means that any event that is sent from either Go or Javascript can be picked up by either side. Data may be passed along with any event. This allows you to do neat things like have background processes running in Go and notifying the frontend of any updates.
Let’s develop a backend part first, to get CPU Usage and send it to the frontend using bind
We will create a new package and define a type which I’ll expose (bind) to the frontend.
If your struct has a WailsInit
method, Wails will call it at startup. This allows you to do some initialisation before the main application is launched.
Import sys
package in main.go
and bind Stats instance to frontend:
We bind the stats
instance from Go, which can be used in frontend by callind window.backend.Stats
. If we want to call a function GetCPUUsage()
it will return us a Promise.
To build the whole project into single binary we should run wails build
, -d
flag can be added to build a debuggable version. It will create a binary with a name matching the project name.
Let’s test if it works by simply displaying the CPU Usage value on the screen:
We sent CPU Usage value to frontend using Binding, now let’s try different approach, let’s create a timer on Backend which will send CPU Usage values in the background using Events approach. Then we can subscribe to the event in Javascript.
In Go we can do it in WailsInit
In Vue.js we can subscribe to this event when component is mounted (or any other place):
Gauge Bar
It would be nice to display CPU Usage with a gauge bar, so we will include a third party dependency for that, simply by using npm
Then import it to main.js
Now we can display our CPU Usage using apexcharts, and update the values of the component by receiving an event from Backend:
To change styles we can directly modify the src/assets/css/main.css
or define them in components.
Final Build and Run
I really enjoyed working with Wails
, and the Events concept makes it really easy to control your application’s state.
Check it out at or on Github at