Map with Expiration in Go

📅 Wed, Oct 2, 2024 ⏱️ 2-minute read

In some cases your application doesn’t need Redis, and internal in-memory map with locks and expiration will suffice.

For example you already know the size of the map and you don’t need to store a lot of data. Use cases could be IP rate limiting, or any other short-lived data.

Here is how you can implement this data structure in Go, let’s call it a TTLMap:

package ttlmap

import (

// item is a struct that holds the value and the last access time
type item struct {
    value      interface{}
    lastAccess int64

// You can have a single map for an application or few maps for different purposes
type TTLMap struct {
    m map[string]*item
    // For safe access to the map
    l sync.Mutex

func New(size int, maxTTL int) (m *TTLMap) {
  // map is created with the given length
    m = &TTLMap{m: make(map[string]*item, size)}

    // this goroutine will clean up the map from old items
    go func() {
      // You can adjust this ticker to be more or less frequent
        for now := range time.Tick(time.Second) {
            for k, v := range m.m {
                if now.Unix()-v.lastAccess > int64(maxTTL) {
                    delete(m.m, k)


func (m *TTLMap) Put(k string, v interface{}) {
    defer m.l.Unlock()

    it, ok := m.m[k]
    if !ok {
        it = &item{
            value: v,
        m.m[k] = it
    it.lastAccess = time.Now().Unix()

func (m *TTLMap) Get(k string) (interface{}, bool) {
    defer m.l.Unlock()
    if it, ok := m.m[k]; ok {
        it.lastAccess = time.Now().Unix()
        return it.value, true

    return nil, false

func (m *TTLMap) Delete(k string) {
    defer m.l.Unlock()
    delete(m.m, k)

This map is safe for concurrent access, and it will clean up old items every second. You can adjust the frequency of the cleanup by changing the time.Tick(time.Second) to a different duration.

Clearly it lacks a lot of features that Redis has, but it’s a good starting point for simple use cases. There are only three methods Put, Get, and Delete and no wildcards or other advanced features. So if you need more features, you should consider using Redis or another key-value store.

You can use this map like this:

// 100 items, 10 seconds max TTL
m := ttlmap.New(100, 10)

m.Put("key1", "string value")
v, ok := m.Get("key1") // v == "string value", ok == true

m.Put("key2", 42)

v, ok = m.Get("key3") // v == nil, ok == false