Supported Go types for gomobile bind
gomobile bind
With gomobile we can generate language bindings that make it possible to call Go functions from Java. And it’s awesome. Now you can write Android applications in Go (unfortunately without UI features and with pure SDK coverage, but I hope it will grow up from experiment to production-ready tool).
- golang 1.5+
- go get
- gomobile init
- Install Android SDK to ~/android-sdk-linux
- Install java-jdk
Playing with Go code
Let’s create some artificial code and try to import it into Java. The following package just returns random user and full Information.
package gomobilebindtest
// UserInfo struct
type UserInfo struct {
Email string
Age int
Badges []string
Rating float64
Contacts map[string]string
Projects []UserProject
CreatedAt uint64
Params interface{}
// UserProject struct
type UserProject struct {
Name string
Link string
// GetRandomUser returns random UserInfo
func GetRandomUser() (*UserInfo, error) {
// Change it to random function :)
info := &UserInfo{
Email: "",
return info, nil
It’s a valid Go code, but let’s try to run a gomobile bind with it:
ANDROID_HOME="/home/pltvs/android-sdk-linux" gomobile bind .
panic: unsupported seqType: []string(string) / *types.Slice(*types.Basic)
panic: unsupported seqType: map[string]string / *types.Map
panic: unsupported seqType: []gomobilebindtest.UserProject(gomobilebindtest.UserProject) / *types.Slice(*types.Named)
panic: unsupported basic seqType: uint64
panic: unsupported seqType: interface{} / *types.Interface
Ugh… it gives me a lot of errors, because not all Go types are supported in bindings. Let’s comment these restricted types and run bind again:
type UserInfo struct {
Email string
Age int
//Badges []string
Rating float64
//Contacts map[string]string
//Projects []UserProject
//CreatedAt uint64
//Params interface{}
Success! Here is a list of currently supported types (got it from
- Signed integer and floating point types.
- String and boolean types.
- Byte slice types. Note the current implementation does not support data mutation of slices passed in as function arguments.
- Any function type all of whose parameters and results have supported types. Functions must return either no results, one result, or two results where the type of the second is the built-in ’error’ type.
- Any interface type, all of whose exported methods have supported function types.
- Any struct type, all of whose exported methods have supported function types and all of whose exported fields have supported types.
It gives us some limitations to use Go in Android, to use Go packages. But anyway it’s a nice start. Later I will make an article with real working Android app with Go packages.